Things I Love Thursday

Noke was originally Princess Mononoke. He’s so gorgeous! Most of the pics I have of him are with Wood Sprite. She’s HIS human.

Although I’m still a bit sick and playing catch-up on different projects, there’s plenty to love this week. Here are a few things I love right now…

My Noke. My friend L thinks he’s part Maine Coon and although I’ve always loved Sir Fluffbutt (one of his nicknames), now I look at him and see so much I didn’t see before. I’ve always wanted that kind of cat so it’s been fun pointing out his different traits.

Saying buh-bye to negative people. I had someone I kept as a friend on Facebook as a courtesy who left a bratty comment for me (on my mom’s post, no less) after doing several negative things to my family in person, so I cheerfully waved and clicked that unfriend button.

Special Books by Special Kids. Every single story just fills my heart.

Getting better, slowly but surely! I take so much for granted when I’m well. I’m trying to be more appreciative.

Our holiday decorations and tunes. I’m not sick of any of it yet, but I’ve missed out on so many things we had planned by being sick that maybe I am just enjoying it more now. I can’t wait for Wood Sprite to open her homemade presents!

Holiday movies. I’m a sucker for them. I’m watching Amy Smart and Mark-Paul Gosselaar in 12 Dates of Christmas on Netflix and it’s stupidly cute.  It’s like Groundhog Day but with tinsel and lights.

Space heaters. I think of people who have no heat right now and am so grateful for these things.

Firehouse Subs. Indy brought me one home and OMG. Those things are amazing.

What are you loving this week?

The Tuesday Currents

A Ghibli Christmas
Indy and I made some of Wood Sprite’s presents on Saturday night.

I’ve been so sick that I didn’t want to just write “Sick, drinking tea!” every day and I’ve skipped a bunch of posts! Although I’m still under the weather I’m at least upright and typing again.


Rocking to… the comfortable buzz of my cozy space heater. Earlier, to Wood Sprite’s recorder practice.

Laughing about… weekend antics. As sick as I am, Indy and I were giggling like kids last night over dumb stuff (like making farting noises on each other’s bellies).  He was off all weekend and he really needed it. We all did.

Drinking… tea, and LOTS of it, plus water and some Gatorade.

Reading… Robert Frost, Patrick Henry and Dr. King with Wood Sprite.

Writing… promos for my new book, Ganja articles, chat tests, blog posts, pieces about Paper Girls and Emma Watson.

Planning… new, fun holiday traditions, our 4-H holiday party, finalizing my 2017 planner, a friends game night. Also, we bought WS a D&D set for Christmas and we’re looking for a place for her to learn how to play it since we’re both clueless!

Making… holiday print-outs and games, a collection of water bottles for dog toy making with 4-H, Yule crafts, BuJo layouts, organized space… Indy and I made Wood Sprite some cool presents (soot sprites, Calcifer and a Marauder’s Map) to add to the others I made earlier this month. I think she’s going to have one exciting holiday!

Wanting... to just be well! We missed so many things–from the big Six Flags World Record Mistletoe Kiss to Indy’s big birthday lunch–while I was sick and I’ve got my fingers crossed that we’ll ALL be well for the rest of the year.

Monday’s Music

It’s one of my favorite holiday songs, but some lines in “Baby It’s Cold Outside” do bother me when applied to modern dating culture. When I read the history of the song, and that it was created by a husband and wife, it only made me like it more. In its original context, it’s adorable, with different connotations than we apply to it today. I think even as much as I love it, it’s important to talk about it with younger listeners who many not understand the differences between the time periods.

This version reminds me of Indy and me in high school. He’d come over, stay super late and have to leave just to come back in the morning to pick me up for school. I’d always cajole him into staying for just a few more minutes.

New Posts at Ganjarama

13942385_10154071598681284_819447423_nDue to illness I’ve been away from my blog more than I’d like. Here are a few recent pieces I’ve written at Ganjarama.

HO HO HO Holiday Gifts for Your Cannabis Lover
DUH: Majority Supports Legalizing Pot
The “Ins and Outs” of Cannabis-Infused Lube
The Hottest Pot Strains Available Today
(California) Pot Shop Profile: Harborside
Top Legal Ganja Baked Treats
Pot is now Legal in Eight of the United States
Your Pot Bucket List
(Colorado) Pot Nursery Profile: Good Chemistry
Popular Pot Candy

Things I Love Thursday

Bare Xmas TreeIt’s December! Replacing the murky waters of November with the magical promise of December is something I celebrate every year. Yes, it already looks like Christmas/Yule/Solstice glitter bombed my home. Yes, I’ve got the holiday tunes playing almost exclusively. Bring it, winter. We are looking forward to you.

Things I’m loving this week…

Indy getting promoted! It’s not happening until next year but it was a huge and welcome surprise.

Snuggling babies. I saw my niece on Monday and my friend’s baby on Tuesday and both were wonderful visits with both moms and babies.

Getting well. Wood Sprite and I have been passing illness back and forth since Thanksgiving. She was sick this morning and missed out on a field trip, but this evening she seems fine and I really, really hope that it’s all over.

An excellent weekend. Despite sickness, my family had a wonderful weekend because Indy was off. We put up decorations, watched movies, did activities with Girl Scouts and Friends, ate good food… It was so wonderful I didn’t want it to end.

What are you loving this week?