The Tuesday Currents

For many of us, what we’re currently doing seems to go on and on. For the world itself, it seems to change by the hour. For me, it’s continuing business as usual as far as work, homeschooling and caring for house and home go, with the added anxiety of the state of the world, worry over my husband’s exposure (both Wood Sprite and I have chronic illnesses) and missing my family and friends. I know everyone is saying that whatever our response is, is okay, as these are unprecedented times, but my inability to concentrate and news addiction are exhausting. I’m tried all the time. How about you? I hope you’re okay and with people you love.

Some other things I’m currently doing…

loving all of Wood Sprite’s art. There is so much of it now! Every day there are new paintings, sculptures, puppets, etc. They’ve made a fairy lighthouse, a sword, a crown, repurposed the Hulk as Mr. Hyde, an Audrey II puppet and so much more. See the photos here for some of them!

listening to Marissa Meyers’ new podcast, The Happy Writer, as well as Brene Brown’s

adding cinnamon to my coffee for a delicious kick (and totally failing at the whole whipped coffee thing–twice!)

sharing more than usual on social media, which feels good and gross at the same time. I really prefer keeping things to myself lately but missing my family has me reaching for… something.

struggling to fast and sleep regularly

trying to really enjoy my writing… and failing

celebrating paying off some old bills

struggling to not touch my damn face. How about you?

reading ebooks on my Kindle app. Having a larger phone does have its perks, although I still miss having one that fit well into my pocket.

sniffing my perfume oils, eating keto treats and trying to stay positive for my family

trying to be helpful, in whatever small ways I can. So far that’s mostly been through making small donations here and there, sharing resources for others and continuing my usual political shenanigans, AKA calls/emails/tweets. I remind myself that I’m an artist and what I’m creating every day brings something to many people, and may even help ease their pain, even if I can’t see it.

helping my kiddo connect with friends and feeling my heart ache at how lonely they are

wearing my Outlander dress again and not wanting to change out of it. Why should I? I’ve been home for 20 days now.

wishing I could have used my camera to capture their big grins while connecting with friends in multiple classes yesterday (but they were using my phone to access Zoom!)

watching Lie to Me and Kiki’s Delivery Service

playing with my 2021 planner. My Uncalendar arrived yesterday and instead of cheering me up, as it normally does and as my husband had hoped it would, it only added to my anxiety at first. But by evening I had finished the cover.

chatting with friends and family who are bored. I’m so not bored. I love hearing from them but it’s hard to do my job so I try not to respond when I’m writing. It’s a hard habit to break, even after all these years, because I still have that “what if it’s an emergency!” mindset, especially these days! Like Joyce Carol Oates says, interruptions from other people are a writer’s worst enemy, and I’ve known this since I started writing as a child. To this day it’s still a battle. Speaking of her, Wood Sprite and I are thinking about taking Masterclass. Have any experience with it? They really want to take Natalie Portman and R.L. Stine’s classes while I’m wanting to take Oates’ and Gaiman’s.

What are you up to this week?

Reach Out to Your Local Animal Shelter

Many are in desperate need of help and foster families right now. What better time to foster some critters than when you’re at home anyway?

That 80s Blog
Wonder Woman 1984 Postponed

Hungry Bloggers
Healthy, Shelf-Stable Foods

Cat Talk
Reach Out to Your Local Animal Shelter

Northwest Specialties
Hospital Staff Receive Meals From Local Restaurants

Party Games
Games at Home

Things I Love Thursday

Wow, are we living in an unprecedented time. Sure, the human race has survived plagues before, but a pandemic like this in the modern world is new territory for most of us. I’ve always maintained that times of great worry, stress and fear are the most important times to practice gratitude, so here are a few things I’m loving this week.

my homemade keto cinnamon dulce lattes. I’m becoming my own barista and I get to do it in a Freddy Krueger mug.

birds at my window each morning

all of the helpers. Fred Rogers, my childhood hero, said that his mother told him to always look for the helpers in troubling situations and wow, do we have a lot of helpers. From the nurses and doctors to the workers in stores, delivery services, gas stations, food services, sanitation work and all of the people who keep this society going while politicians squabble about how to handle it… you are all SO inspiring and appreciated and we love you. Thank you.

how people in communities are helping one another when it’s not their job, even if they’re unrelated, even if they’re strangers, because we’re all in this together.

how my animals don’t know what to do with us home all the time. Sometimes the cats seem annoyed but the dogs are THRILLED and follow me everywhere, pretty much like they do during the day.

doing math at the chalkboard with Wood Sprite, which the kid enjoys much more than doing at the computer or on paper.

Wood Sprite’s goofy videos, antics and many projects while we’ve been at home

The Fortune Cookie Soap Greek gods collection. I only have the mini oil set but I’ve been trying one every day this week. Hairoine is the BEST. And next week the Easter box, which is Rainbow Brite themed, will ship and I cannot WAIT.

losing 7 pounds. Everyone’s making jokes about gaining weight while at home and I’ve been fasting a lot. I have to admit it’s made me crankier some days.

midnight walks with Wood Sprite and the dogs

Indy experimenting with keto recipes. He’s such a great cook but there are different rules with keto cooking and he’s found it to be difficult many times. I love that he wants to make me things and tries so hard.

my family and friends are safe. Stir crazy, but safe! I miss everyone.

the beautiful weather we’ve had. Wood Sprite’s been out picking things to preserve in the yard.

the sweet photos of my cousin (more like brother; we grew up together and lived in the same house), who died several years ago yesterday at a young age in an accident, that I saw being circulated around. It’s a hard day for my whole family but it actually felt nice to see these photos. I have had to turn away in the past because it was too painful to see, but for some reason this time it just felt good seeing these tributes to him. I sure wish I could’ve been with my aunt (AKA second mom) throughout the day but we did get to talk on the phone.

Indy taking this virus more seriously. At first he showered after coming home from work every day but called me a weirdo for sanitizing his stuff. Now he dumps his things at the door to be sanitized automatically and doesn’t kiss me hello until after his shower.

What are you loving right now?

The Tuesday Currents

I’m currently…

cleaning out things here and there, from the office closet (which was three boxes of stuff to donate and a giant bag of recycling) to old condiments. We found a packet of the salsa verde we’ve missed so much we decided to stick it on the bulletin board. Wood Sprite also made a fairy lighthouse and a bunch of other things, like a repurposed Hulk into Mr. Hyde, a Crowley My Little Pony and a Goomba Shoe out of a baby toy. If you’re a John Mulaney fan, you’ll understand what I did with these salt and pepper packets!

listening to Ivan Fischer and Anna Vinnitskaya courtesy of the Berliner Philharmoniker Digital Concert Hall. I have a feeling I’ll be using this website a LOT while working during Stay At Home Time. My county just enacted 30 days of it yesterday, but it’s day 12 for Wood Sprite and me. Indy’s work is considered essential so he decontaminates when he gets home each day.

feeling a bit overwhelmed with all of the cool new options for free subscriptions, online field trips, etc. To be fair, we’re used to the FOMO that comes with homeschooling because there will always be 500 things to choose from any given hour, at home or virtually, but now it feels like it’s in your face much more than usual.

celebrating a birthday via Zoom, a first for us!

reading when my mind torments me, which is quite a bit these days. I’ve finished the adorable Mr. & Mrs. X comics, caught up on Monstress, read four lackluster romance books and my book club’s book for the month, and I’m reading at least a dozen books with Wood Sprite. My current favorite is probably An Indigenous People’s History of the United States. We’re also reading The Wee Free Men aloud as a family this month, which is one of my all-time favorites.

feeling so grateful for Wood Sprite’s acting class continuing online. They miss their theater buddies so much!

enjoying the stillness. I’m honestly overwhelmed daily because my workload and homeschooling haven’t changed, which I’m grateful for, but I’m having difficulty concentrating. I’m trying not to be glued to the news but find myself drawn there before I even realize it. We’re all just hoping for good news at this point, right? And while we eagerly await good news in every sector from politics to breakthroughs on treatments and vaccines, we can look toward news about cleaner skies, less pollution and even dolphins and monkeys entering areas humans typically occupy for some inspiration. In the moments when I can enjoy the stillness, it’s usually with my family. We’ve been cooking a lot together, playing games, taking walks at midnight, doing art projects, etc. all during the times we’re usually attending evening classes. It’s much easier for me during those times! When I’m left to myself… my own head tends to get in the way.

Some of the foods we’ve made include keto rutabega fries, a keto Shamrock Shake, keto Doritos, roasted radishes with cheese and keto pad Thai with shirataki noodles and roasted vegetables. None of the recipes are our own and you can find them easily enough online. ALL were awesome!

doing a few mindful practices, from some self-compassion exercises with Kristin Neff to the Fast and Unbroken Challenge.

learning about my cat’s hyperesthesia and considering fostering some kittens during our time at home…

alternate day fasting, which has me hangry at times but has my blood pressure and sugar levels looking incredible

wishing for this to be over as soon as possible while simultaneously hoping we remain a connected world of people against not just this threat, but others that loom like global warming

taking a few teleclasses with Wood Sprite

making plans to watch some plays online, along with other cool online opportunities (breakfast with the St. Louis Aquarium’s sloth, anyone?)

feeling excited about my oil samplers from Fortune Cookie Soap, Poessets and Hexennacht. This is how I reward myself for meeting my health goals. Instead of food, I try a new mini perfume sample each day! I got a steal on a bunch of them (we’re talking 50 cents) so it’s been a really nice reward that isn’t food or spending a lot of money.

enjoying Indy helping out with some homeschooling, which we’d always planned but has been difficult to implement over the years. He has helped off and on and is currently pitching in with life skills (especially driving prep!), math and cooking.

loving my plant babies, which number over 30 now

writing all the time, yet not getting it done between my anxious thoughts and news addiction

What are you up to this week?