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Banning Cat Declawing

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What Do You Plant in Fall?

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Tim Burton Themed Desserts

The Tuesday Currents

What are you up to this chilly Halloween week? I’m…

planning the logistics of trick-or-treating in 30-degree weather! Brrr.

winterizing the chicken coop

caving and turning the heat on… but just for a little while! I like to wait until November but we’ve had some really cold moments.

stealing Indy’s plaid pajama pants. Who am I kidding, I’m the only one who wears these soft, cozy things! He prefers his sweats.

carrying so many gemstones around Indy has been referring to my jingle as “Mom’s rock quarry”

enjoying general fall family goodness, from Wood Sprite’s birthday, our annual Night of the Werewolf hunt, movies, pumpkin everything, and more. We’ve had to cut a couple of things due to weather and schedule changes but overall we’ve had a pretty good October!

pricing space heaters. The back two rooms don’t heat well so we often use them, but one went out last winter. It’s also nice to have them as backup!

itching to watch a bunch of shows with Indy and wondering when we’ll have time. Hmmm… that’s what cold weather is for, eh? We still haven’t watched the Dark Crystal prequel series, Highlander, new AHS (okay, a couple of seasons…), Carnival Row, Sirens, Light as a Feather… I’d also like to catch up on Supernatural and American Gods. I did watch Always Be My Maybe last week while walking and it was great!

feeling quite proud of an experiment Wood Sprite and I did to reduce trash this week. We only have recycling being picked up this week as a result, even after four teen events at our house!

still reading Renegades on my own (it’s long!) and The Graveyard Book as a family. We took a brief hiatus for some shorter scary stories in the car.

loving the candles my sister bought me for an early birthday present! Also loving a special one from 42 Nerdtastic Place. They have QUALITY candles, you guys. They have wooden wicks that sound like a fireplace and the scents are complex with wide throws.

wishing I had everything, from hair oil to lotion, in this scent. It’s not only gorgeously packaged and reminiscent of The Night Circus, but it also fulfills the prophecy that my sister made about me wanting everything to smell like marshmallows, 24/7…

I’m also hoping to try some new scents from my favorite oil source, the Little Book Eater, and a new source to me, Andromeda’s Curse! Yes, my birthday’s coming up and I’m makin’ a list.

resigning myself to cutting our family read-alouds down with the new schedule. We’re just not in the car for as long! This means that I’ve shelved The Night Circus for a bit (I was reading it to Indy during our dates), but I’m still super excited about The Starless Sea coming out next week!

drinking my new Southern Breeze mango tea. Yum!