Most WTF Moments in TWD Comics

In the comics, there's a zombie mime. Kidding!
In the comics, there’s a zombie mime. Kidding!

Although I am a fan of both the show and the comics, I really love The Walking Dead comics best. Here are some of the most intense moments from the comics that I felt were either much more brutal than their TV adaptations or completely lacking coverage overall. Keep in mind that some of these could become spoilers in the future, depending on the show’s direction!

Screen Rant
15 Most Insane Walking Dead Comic Moments You Haven’t Seen on TV

Things I Love Thursday

Indy looks ready for Fantastic Beasts!
Indy looks ready for Fantastic Beasts!

After being so sick to my stomach this morning, I am most thankful for not puking in the last few hours! Some other things I am loving this week are…

The possibility of a weekend off. The last day I had off was on September 9, and it was only off because we had activities from 9am to 10pm and we came home and collapsed into bed! Cross your fingers that I get done in time…

Having well-received work and interesting projects on the board. I’m writing about The Walking Dead and Harry Potter this week, among other things.

Snuggling with Wood Sprite. She has days where she just wants to read together or play with Legos with me and I just clutch them dearly because I know how fast she’s growing.

Finding random things to eat. It’s a “lean week” at our house so we are being creative, but we also have leftover food from a few events we attended this week that we are so thankful for! One more day until pay (and grocery) day!

Cozy pants. Indy bought me some at the end of last winter when they were on sale and they are so wonderful when it gets chilly.

Halloween decorations. In our neighborhood, it’s pretty much just us, but when we drove home from an event in the city on Tuesday we saw lots of decorated houses. Yay for Halloween spirit!

Fantastic Beasts is coming! I can’t wait to see that or Doctor Strange. This year we’ve mostly just rented things from the library, but some friends are talking about organizing a watching party as a group at one of the cheaper theaters, which could be really fun.

What are you loving this week?


The Tuesday Currents

Ruby Gloom invites you to see the bright side of the dark side.
Ruby Gloom invites you to see the bright side of the dark side.

Rocking to… Stranger Things soundtrack

Laughing about… Making song parodies with Wood Sprite while we do chores

Drinking… Blackberry tea

Reading… Online schtuff

Writing… Articles on Doctor Strange, Harry Potter and Walking Dead; Ganjarama pieces; my holiday book, Visions of Sugarplum; product descriptions; that sort of thing.

Watching… We finished Stranger Things with Wood Sprite. We can finally discuss next season! Indy and I had watched all of it first before deciding she could and she’s a bit obsessed. She has an El background on her computer…

Planning… Planning? Heh! Try doing. Since last Tuesday, I’ve hosted three parties, helped with the 4-H banquet (where I won Leader of the Year and my kids all won tons of awards!), gone to Trunk or Treat, a library Halloween event, taken Wood Sprite bowling, written several articles, visited my parents, gone to co-op, had a steering committee meeting, baked a cake, about 80 cupcakes and 240 mini corn muffins (half with jalapeno and cheddar)…! This week my big plan is to get everything done by Saturday morning to enjoy a three-day weekend with my family. Indy and I haven’t had a day off in over a month and we are really trying to make this work!

Making… memories, dammit.

Wanting… A three-day weekend with my loves!

Things I Love Thursday

Magenta for Trunk or Treat!
Magenta for Trunk or Treat!


Getting caught up at work (YEAH!)


Barbecue (4-H banquet is coming up this weekend!)

Wood Sprite ❤  I can’t believe she’s 11. It’s been an emotional day for me, but she’s had an awesome birthday filled with Minecraft, pizza, cake, Doctor Who comics and costumes.

Indy filling in for me at field trips while I burned midnight oil and/or caught up on sleep

Cool temperatures

Did I mention Halloween and costumes?

What do you love this week?