31 Days of Smallish Bloggery Catch-Up

It’s been a busy week with different camps, concerts and events going on. Summer’s in full swing! Today, a catch-up post!

23. My Spiritual Beliefs In One Sentence

Be kind.

24. My Very Favorite Twitter Accounts

JK Rowling

25. A Fictional Character In An Utterly Mundane Place

One of my favorites is probably from my book Falling for Fall, but it’s NSFW. A cop and a forest god who fancy each other are stuck in traffic.

26. Care Instructions For Your New [Me]

Pretty much the same you’d need for a gremlin: food, water, nothing after midnight. Add books, paper and pens for optimal growth.

27. 5 Favorite Books By Women

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by JK Rowling

The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan

Lioness Rampant by Tamora Pierce

Possessing the Secret of Joy by Alice Walker

Silver Birch, Blood Moon collected by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling (includes works by Patricia Briggs, Tanith Lee, Nancy Kress, etc. Also includes some men.

28. In My Bag

2 planners, 1 journal, 5 Ipsy bags (1 planner goodies, 1 pens, 1 makeup/hair stuff, 1 first aid, 1 wallet), lotion, stickers, highlighters, games.

29. I Dip My French Fries In…

sweet and sour, mayo/ketchup, aoli, BBQ, etc. The best fry sauces are at Red Robin, which is where I eat as a treat when I finish writing a book.

Smallish Bloggery 21 & 22

21. The Best Thing About Summer

Summer is my least favorite time of year. Most people who are affected by seasonal changes experience those feelings in the winter; for me, it’s summer. Maybe it’s the bugs and heat, which I detest. Maybe it’s because it always transports me back to my miscarriage. Maybe it’s because Indy always has to work extra to cover guys who take vacations, or because everywhere is crowded with schools out for break, or because the animals shed SO MUCH and I have to sweep daily. Wait, isn’t this prompt supposed to be about the best thing about summer? 😉

There are lots of cool things about summer: the pools are open, there are all kinds of library programs and reading challenges, co-op is on break, GISHWHES happens, there are fun camps available and it’s fun to see the critters get so slim and shiny as their coats thin out. My favorite thing about summer is probably just not having too many things to choose from to do. People who don’t homeschool or who aren’t in a co-op may not realize that there are often several trips, classes, tours, activities and performances available to do each day, many with the co-op but some open to all homeschoolers, and it can get overwhelming if you don’t plan it out well.

22. It’s Embarrassing, But True

I’m trying to think of something more recent to state here but honestly the older I get, the less embarrassed I am. I had an embarrassing moment last week when I submitted a piece well below its word count, not realizing that I had used the wrong word count guide. They’ve changed a lot in the last few months and I just had a brain snafu, but it caused my editor extra work and I felt terrible about that.

Smallish Bloggery 20

20. A High and a Low

High: Enjoying a concert with my family on a cool-ish summer night, singing along, cracking inside jokes and splitting our first sno-cone of summer.

Low: Realizing how old I am when all I could think about was how irritating all the cell phones were, how I wanted to get a very drunk girl a cab home and how I wanted to scold the bands for not preparing for St. Louis weather and inviting heat stroke upon themselves.

Smallish Bloggery 18

18. A Recipe

My favorite recipe right now is keto mocha. Blend freshly-brewed coffee with a tablespoon or two of cocoa powder (alter to your taste), a pinch of sweetener, a splash of heavy cream, and a pinch of salt. Add some mint extract for chocolate mint flavor! I don’t measure any of this out but just taste as I blend it. You can make it cold, too.

What’s your favorite recipe right now?

The Tuesday Currents

I’m currently…

Drinking keto mocha, just freshly made

Watching The Break with Michelle Wolf, Glow and a bunch of old comedy sketches on YouTube while I’m writing

Writing furiously in order to get ahead! We have two full days coming up and I need to stay on track. We’ve got coop repairs, a concert, art camp, guitar camp and more coming up!

Planning out a very ambitious semester that I’ll probably have to tweak pretty quickly

Listening to audiobooks with Wood Sprite. We used to plow through several a week and I’m hoping to get back to that pace.

Transforming my planner into a sort-of Uncalendar

Listening to The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd. I feel like I’ve been transported into an episode of Rocky & Bullwinkle. We’re also trying out Eleanor Amplified

What are you up to?