Monday’s Music

Between old records, a silly chat with my BFF and politics, I have the Forrest Gump soundtrack on the brain. We are in for another week lined up with activities–from delivering cookies to movies and programs with friends, two 4-H meetings, our big scavenger hunt launching, co-op classes, a zoo trip and more, I may just need your best drink recipes for some relaxation next weekend! I see a book and a bathtub with my name on it, for sure.

What does your week look like?

Things I Love Thursday

Even if they make a mess, I still love these ice globes!
Even if they make a mess, I still love these ice globes!

This week is a rumbling, rickety roller coaster. I love roller coasters, but between the extreme weather variations, (thankfully minor) power outage, extra work projects and unexpected requests, company and errands, it has been extra interesting! Here are just a few things that I’m loving this week. How about you?

Visiting with my best friends! I have seen S, M, C, E and J this week. It doesn’t get better than that, folks.

YouTube playlists. It’s so much fun to try out other peoples’ playlists!

Girl Scout cookies. Yep, they are in!

Last weekend’s gorgeous weather. Indy completed a lot of yard work over those two days.

Flonase. I could be a poster child for how well that stuff works.

Getting Wood Sprite’s Easter basket ready. She’s getting a Dr. Who Sonic screwdriver and an Agent Carter Funko Pop… don’t tell!

Fitting into old clothing. That’s always fun!

Finding cool games online that Wood Sprite and I both enjoy.


The Tuesday Currents

We made these last week. Everything about them was awesome, save for one leaking into my fridge and turning everything green. Wood Sprite dubbed it TMNT ooze.
We made these last week. Everything about them was awesome, save for one leaking into my fridge and turning everything green. Wood Sprite dubbed it TMNT ooze.

Is it already Tuesday? I am having one of those weeks where I am doing lots of things that aren’t in the planner, so when I look down on paper, I feel like I’m in a Time Warp. How about you?

Rocking to… The same  YouTube 90s mix as last week!

Laughing About... Wood Sprite’s goofy jokes. She’s very punny lately.


Drinking… Water from my zombie cup.

Reading… I just finished Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman, and I’m sill making my way through Hands-Free Mama by Rachel Macy Stafford, The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown and old Fables comics.

Writing… web pages for a plumbing company, chat tests and sports articles

Watching… I’m hoping to watch How to Get Away with Murder sometime this week! No spoilers from the last two episodes, please!

Planning…Pretty much the same as last week: A camping trip with friends, a date day, 4-H activities, a mega scavenger hunt, roller derby… Lots of fun stuff! Last weekend’s date was canceled when Wood Sprite got sick. My allergies were acting up, anyway!

Making… Gift bags to raffle for a conference, arrangements for cookie booth sales and rides, physical arrangements for new furniture

Wanting… My seeds! I haven’t ordered a thing yet and am a little late in the game already. My BFF and I are planting together this year, but I also need to arrange the community garden our 4-H group wants to do in town.

The Tuesday Currents

Fuego in his Batman bling.
Fuego in his Batman bling.

Rocking to… A YouTube 90s mix. Do you ever get tired of your own playlists? I do! Right now it’s playing “One Headlight.”

Laughing About... My cat camping out in front of the space heater. Way to hog the warmth, bud. And his name is Fuego (believe it or not, he was also named before my Dresden Files obsession started).


Drinking… Tea

Reading… Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman, Hands-Free Mama by Rachel Macy Stafford, The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown, Fables comics

Writing… WNBA blogs

Watching… Last week, Wood Sprite saw Hairspray! and loved it. That said, she likes to sing, “Good morning, Voldemort!” instead of “Good morning, Baltimore!” Then we had a slumber party and we watched a bunch of 80s movies with the kids: Adventures in Babysitting, The Goonies and Labyrinth.

Planning…A camping trip with friends, a date day, 4-H activities, a mega scavenger hunt, roller derby… Lots of fun stuff!

Making… Pokeballs with the kiddo

Wanting… Coursera to offer free certificates again. Maybe I was the only nerd to print hers out! Also, to see Through the Looking Glass, Deadpool, Fantastic Beasts… SO many films to look forward to this year!