The Tuesday Currents

I’m currently…

drinking delicious Southern Breeze cold brew tea and lusting after Tea Drops, which are next on my procurement list

hanging out with four of my besties at a science camp while Wood Sprite does some engineering and robotics with the incredible MIT Spokes team

wishing for Indy to get the promotion he wants and would be so awesome at and truly enjoy

missing Sky and loving Pumpkin, our new kitty. Sometimes it feels like it’s still too soon, and I still think I see Sky somewhere she’s supposed to be (my bed, her cubby, her other spots) and I just cry and cry but it’s getting better.

trying intermittent fasting, which is oddly refreshing but still not helping with the sleep issues

digging getting smaller. People are starting to notice and it makes me feel more weird than pleased, but I LOVE wearing sleeveless shirts in the summer and just feeling better overall.

enjoying my own homemade lotion made from coconut oil and a vanilla oil that smells so good I have a hard time not eating it when I slather it on

loving my new ThinkGeek backpack, courtesy of my awesome sister who visited a few days ago! She brought a bunch of goodies and my mom came the next day and brought Wood Sprite socks, which were on my list of things to take care of this week!

writing All The Words

building fall plans out of around a dozen programs we want to do

trying out Build Your Library’s Harry Potter study while we finish book six, head into seven next week and attend a Potter trivia night at the library at the end of July. I’m getting a little obsessed over BYL, especially Emily’s YouTube videos, which I watch while ferociously looking up her book recommendations and musing over how she’d totally be in my bestie circle if she lived closer.

cleaning out spaces. It’s taking longer than I had planned but what doesn’t lately? Six huge bags of donations went out the door this morning between Wood Sprite’s room, my office and the kitchen and I have much more to do.

looking forward to a weekend of archery, marching, a play and some games with my family

enjoying mini-dates with Indy while Wood Sprite takes free art camps at the library. Yesterday we browsed Target and poked fun at the names of men’s body wash.

reading I Am Groot comics, Hellboy comics, Patton Oswalt’s Silver Screen Fiend and Caitlen Rubino-Bradway’s Ordinary Magic

What are you up to this week?

The Tuesday Currents

Sally doesn’t want to let the library books go, either.

I’m currently…

Writing with sore fingers! Wood Sprite and I worked on clearing off some wall space (and lots of other projects) yesterday and I had some tacks go up my nails farther than I’d have liked.

Planning a fun mini-history unit I’m running with Wood Sprite and some of her friends this week. It will take a few meetings to get through!

Enjoying the parts of summer I like, like slower days, lots of family time, summer blockbusters and our new cat, Pumpkin! And I’m simultaneously NOT enjoying the parts of summer that I never enjoy, from the heat and bugs to the swelling of the house. It’s no secret that this is my least favorite season but I always try to make the best of it!

Meet Pumpkin Spice Latte Smaug Schmidt.

Gearing up for summer camps! Wood Sprite went to 4-H camp last week and loved it. She’s got art, poetry, theater, magic and horse camps this summer. She’s also going to meet with Spokes again, which she’s very excited about.

Watching Deadpool 2, Ant-Man, Infinity War, Batman vs. Superman (ugh), Sherlock Gnomes (double ugh) and the lovely One Day at a Time.

Reading Ordinary Magic for our summer tween book club. I’m also reading Patton Oswalt’s Silver Screen Fiend, which I’m loving. I could just lose myself in his use of language alone.

Listening to Terri Windling’s Tunes for a Monday Morning list over at Myth & Moor. Her recommendations are usually wonderful and today’s were no different.

Planning fall! We’ve got some weekly state projects, book lists, nature projects, science labs and much more in store. We’ve also got some fun themes like Greek mythology, Shark Week, etc. coming up.

Wishing for a chance to swim sometime soon. We have the next few days pretty well booked up but I need to get in a pool soon!

Listening to Podcasts. This morning it’s Kerry McDonald’s Unschooling And… and Mara Glatzel’s Needy.

What are you up to today?