The Tuesday Currents

Tomorrow is March, and it feels like February just arrived not only because it passed quickly, but because I was in a haze of The Big Sad the whole time. Sleep helps when I can get it, which tends to be once or twice a week since Indy’s working while I’m sleeping and vice versa again. Folks are looking forward to spring, and I’m happy for y’all… but I sure miss the winter it feels like never came.

I’m currently…

lamenting, obvi

missing out on All the Things, finding rides for the kiddo, canceling and rescheduling… all of the usual messy misery that happens when they do this to his shift

worrying about… everything

reading After Hours on Milagro Street, Witchy, Wash Day Diaries

squeezing in time with Indy when I can, which is not often, especially with our errand availability cut in half with the new schedule. Most things aren’t open as late as they were the last time this happened.

watching deer out the window

listening to On Being, Feminist Survival Guide, and a few other podcasts

having All the Heartburn, which is All the Sad’s cousin

honestly just trying to feel better

what are you up to this week?

The Tuesday Currents

I’m currently…

enjoying a long weekend while simultaneously NOT enjoying Zuul’s lunar possession, which is a full takeover for a couple of days

…and feeling thankful for The Blood Towel

reading a bunch of graphic novels, Killing the Black Body, When the Body Says No, Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute, The Heart Principle

watching Three Thousand Years of Longing, Odd Thomas, Beauty Shop, Shotgun Wedding, Wakanda Forever, and Slumberland. Indy’s new schedule means much more time at home for 2/3 of us.

setting new goals and pinpointing areas for growth with my kiddo

doing All of the Paperwork and moving All the Things per the new aforementioned schedule

wearing Milk and Sandalwood

enjoying sharing playlists with family members

missing lil Chernabog–and feeling so relieved she has a stress-free home

walking to game playthrough virtual walks on YouTube (sans commentary)

What are you up to this week?

The Tuesday Currents

I’m currently…

handling Indy’s opposite schedule to mine as best as we can. Cannot wait until he’s back on the same schedule. In the meantime, we’re trying to find the silver lining.

mixing Lily’s chocolate into peanut butter and thinking of GM

contemplating painting my Venus of Willendorf minifig, which I think about almost daily yet never make time to do. Ditto for at least a dozen other projects.


reading a bunch of graphic novels. I’m several books ahead of my Goodreads goal for the year, which is largely due to the lovely snow day reading we’ve had. Those are my absolute favorite days of the year.

watching Wednesday with Indy. Sunday night is the only night we have off together so we usually end up watching something then. We enjoyed it but found plenty of flaws. Anyone else tired of diabetes jokes every time sugar is mentioned? And being creepy and mysterious has nothing to do with being a terrible friend, not being accountable for your behavior, and endangering the people who care about you.

reframing things I can’t change and acting on things I can. Inspired by Bruce Springsteen’s thoughts about reframing his nervousness before performing into excitement, I wrote this in my journal yesterday: “Excitement and worry are two sides of the same coin. Toss it.” Of course, that led to “Toss a Coin to Your Witcher” getting stuck in my brain on repeat but I still like the idea, especially when I’m anxious about something that’s supposed to be fun.

analyzing my needs. This is a very interesting process that involves so many emotions, but it’s also such a great way to find out how to set myself up for success. It reminds me of the Parks and Rec episode where April tries to find out what she wants to do for work and Andy helps her list the qualities she wants in a job, but I’m applying it to everything from sleeping to exercise.

wrapping my head around new information and trying to not ruminate on old information and experiences


letting go of old pain. Again. Healing isn’t linear. Isn’t that so inconvenient!

drinking Grape zevia, water, ocean water-flavored water, and an iced coffee (yes, all at once)

wearing two completely different perfume oils on opposite sides of my body. I started doing this to just test all the old oils I have and now I’m in love with it. It’s novel enough to make my brain happy and it feels reflective of my gender fluidity somehow.

actually having fun doing math with The Teen

organizing the month’s events/tasks, webinars, and my desk

setting my desk lights to their disco setting

burning a pumpkin spice candle

enjoying some time with Beautiful Chorus

What are you up to this week?