Remembering Murder

What creepy toddler stories have you heard?

Freaky Phenomena
Remembering Past Lives

Politics Report
Student Loan Forgiveness Excluded From Biden’s Budget

Poetry Talk
Mooning Over Poetry

Garden Report
The Compost Bin: Where’s The Best Location?

eShopper Forum
Memorial Day Sales Are Upon Us

Weird Animal Report
AI Is Useful In Studying Animal Behavior

The Tuesday Currents

I’m currently…

working out with Jo. I love her!

reading Just to Get to You, I’m Still Here and Start Where You Are, But Don’t Stay There

also reading through my SQSH helpline training manual and trying out skills we started learning last weekend on my family… and pets

working with meditation music playing (or Disney plus in the background, depending on my mood; Daddy Kristoff is a Thing this week)

loving the heck out of next year’s planner. This one will be the best yet.

taking a class on community building and learning a lot to use on Extension Council. I don’t remember ever struggling to take notes before the presenter made it through a slide in the past, but with our phones handy to take screenshots, can you blame them? Still, I learn better by writing it down.

attending a few more Zoom events this week, including a class regarding teens and social media, some mental health workshops and a couple of organizations meetings

planning Father’s Day and our anniversary, which are both next month

working on said community building while having to tweak some plans

wearing Nui Cobalt’s Napping in a Flower and falling in love. I’m such a sucker for honey scents. It’s a free sample I received elsewhere and I’m so tempted to get a full size… but I’m holding out for the lovely Selkie scent in this Friday’s Fae Folk & Otherworldly Beings release.

bringing my poor dad some oatmeal for a bath. He’s had poison oak for over a week and is miserable.

trying to get back on some kind of sleep schedule. Any schedule at all would be good at this point.

killing lots of bugs in my office because summer

What are you up to?