Things I Love Thursday

Some things I’m loving this week include…

water and the toilet. I’m sick, I have an infection, and I’m not able to sleep. It’s funny, every time I’m feeling anything between meh to awful, the universe seems to ask me to hold its beer while it sends me “something to really cry about.”

cooler weather

the super blue moon

my sweet son. I hate it when he sees me like this, so exhausted and hurt, crying and frankly a little unhinged from sleeplessness and pain. He was so kind and even offered to sit with me while I tried to sleep. I didn’t take him up on it–he has to get up early in the morning–but it was so sweet of him.

animal affection. If they hear me cry, Gizmo will cuddle the heck out of me, and She-Ra will put her face in my lap and just stare at me until I laugh.

my hair growing back. Maybe? I don’t know if I like it or not.

scheduling tools! I’m writing this well after Thursday, yet I can backdate it to fit the alliterative theme because I can put two thoughts together today.

Indy getting me medicine and electrolytes

my immune system. It’s not as fast as my family’s–they get over these bugs in a day or two while they take me longer–but it sure is chugging along as best as it can.

cool animals on tiktok. Watching moths is very helpful when you’re down and out, at least for me.

chatting with my sisters

my planner because I honestly have no idea what day it is. I normally look forward to September 1 so much, but this year I’m working 10 hours while sick and am not nearly as enthusiastic about it. And I can’t even touch a PSL right now, which is another annual tradition for this day.

What are you up to?

The Tuesday Currents

I’m currently…

nursing an awful stomach bug that we seem to be passing around

watching The Skeleton Twins

needing electrolytes. And to keep anything down.

reading Half a Soul and the rest of the books in this marvelous series! Normally I hate Regency novels but this was magnificent.

making a bunch of resource guides

shooing away spiders who want to create webs on me now that I’m all still and sick

and honestly not much more than that at the moment.

What are you up to? Hope you’re staying healthy!

Things I Love Thursday

It’s one of those weeks where finding things to like, let alone love, is hard–which means it’s a really important week to make the list.

This week I’m loving…

a phone case that is light and not broken

medium-point pens

knowing the temps will be lower next week

knowing that like the weather, my feelings are temporary, and largely influenced by lack of sleep

Regency Faerie Tales by Olivia Atwater. Normally I hate regency anything but these are very creative, witty, and fun.

the transformative power of music, sleep, breathing, writing, and a good book


ebooks from the library

the library itself. Is there ever a gratitude list without it?


compression material

things that glow

new animal species discoveries

What are you loving this week?

Things I Love Thursday

What are you loving this week? Here’s a little list for me.

I’m loving…

Wood Sprite’s art. He is so incredibly talented, and I’m not just saying that as a parent. Yesterday he made a stained glass piece inspired by Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde, among other things. I couldn’t find the watercolors or else he’d have made even more!

Indy sending me little presents while he’s working so many hours. He knows how lonely and cabin fever-y we are while he’s training 12 hours a day. Last week he brought me a little stuffed axolotl (I named them Arietty); this week it was Galaxy washi tape.

Indy ordering and “installing” my new phone case. I broke the last one because I’m more than a wee bit clumsy. I have to get used to this one but I’ll get there.

Marimbas, which are helping me focus so much better

cooler weather! The nights have been SO lovely. September is just around the corner.

Aleve. It doesn’t take care of everything but it helps me sleep better when my feet are being mean. I guess it’s really my brain that’s so mean, since it’s the one misfiring.

food-grade glitter in tea

when things work out

the funny things I have been saying to myself to remind me to practice self-care, like drinking water and brushing my teeth

accessibility planning with my supervisor! I’m still SO shaky regarding asking for, well, anything, and they are the BEST.

literally anything that makes my kid happy. He’s struggling with Indy’s hours now more than I am and could really use more in-person time with friends.

the new SQSH anthology! It’s so lovely. Get one if you can!

just seeing so many people out there trying to make things better

feel-good music. This week I’m obsessed with Foxy Shazam, FLAVIA, Ludo, and Poison.

The Tuesday Currents

I’m currently…

mourning the loss of accessibility we saw was so clearly, so easily, possible… when it benefited able-bodied folks. The lack of willingness to do even hybrid programming is mind-boggling. I’ve been on the end of worrying about our rights being taken away as genderqueer people. I’ve been on the end of losing my body autonomy. This loss? This loss of accessibility that we finally had? It’s akin to those. If you’re able-bodied, privileged enough to have a vehicle/transportation/childcare, no longer being covid cautious even as hospital numbers rise or otherwise don’t understand… that’s what it’s like for us right now. It’s being isolated all over again. Hybrid programming works and is possible in almost any setting. I just went through my feelings wheel and tried to process so many emotions. Disappointment, rage, and sorrow come to mind at the top. As someone who has worked remotely my whole life and had teams phone me in for meetings, trainings, and events for two decades before Zoom even existed, I’m shocked at the snub to this readily-available accommodation, this willingness to exclude; yet as a disabled person, I’m not surprised at all. It’s just business as usual. As companies continue their “DEI” efforts, to give lip service about accessibility, and ponder how loneliness is just as deadly as smoking even as my generation, the Millennials, are dubbed the loneliest generation, they unknowingly perpetuate the problem by revoking the most access many of us have ever. Had.