Things I Love Thursday

A few things I’m loving this week…

Pure, unconditional kindness. Oftentimes it feels like it’s an endangered species but t’s everywhere if you’re open to it.

Indy being incredibly sweet while I adjust to this fasting lifestyle.

A clean office, even if it’s just for a day (or even a few hours…)

Seanan McGuire’s Wayward Children series, which was the series I needed to escape into for a while. THESE are how books should be written! You don’t need 400 pages for a good story, dude. When every word counts and it’s done well it’s much more enjoyable than any heavy doorstop. But now I have to wait until next year for the next book!

Reading The House with a Clock in Its Walls with Indy and Wood Sprite and Beastologist: Flight of the Phoenix with Wood Sprite.

Family game night! This week was Yahtzee and Wood Sprite wanted to keep Indy up past his bedtime (yep, it’s Dad who has a bedtime in our family!) to play longer.

Gizmo-Spock wedging herself into spaces, popping out of a drawer here, fitting into a bin there…


My Feedly reader.

Helpful people at our credit union! It’s the only financial institution I can honestly say I’ve loved.

Wood Sprite’s imagination, even if it means every day our goals need re-adjustment!


Fasting symptoms are pretty much gone! Whoop whoop! I’m still having some tiredness but I was low on electrolytes so I’m upping those (which isn’t pleasant with my apple cider vinegar, but I AM loving the results!).

Pumpkin mellowing out and enjoying the space better.

Mushrooms! All the mushrooms everywhere!

Guillermo del Toro is working on a Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark movie! I can’t even.

What are you loving this week?

The Tuesday Currents

I’m currently…

reading Seanan McGuire’s Wayward Children series

reading 16 books with Wood Sprite (our favorites are The House with a Clock in Its Walls and Beastology: Flight of the Phoenix)

intermittent fasting (which I don’t recommend beginning while menstruating!)

watching Castle Rock with Indy

volunteering at the food pantry

writing writing writing

helping a friend with her dissertation

making sense of new healthcare policies (gotta love switching again…)

prepping for tween night

finalizing weekend plans

planning out the semester (that’s really done, plus much of next semester; just waiting on some confirmations)

What are you doing this week?

The Tuesday Currents

Gizmo-Spock doesn’t let me type much…

I’m currently…

working on work deadlines and my Christmas book release

feeling a kitteh tackling my Wonder Woman cape (no, I’m not wearing it, but it’s always on my office chair!)

reading The House with a Clock In Its Walls (family read aloud; we finished Cursed Child on Saturday), Every Heart a Doorway and The Kindness Cure

eating a ginormous salad

Drinking Diet Coke Ginger Lime

Listening to The Doors

enrolling in co-op classes, Toastmaster classes, sports, the fall routine

What are you up to this week?


Final Days of Smallish Bloggery

Whoops, that went by fast! We were in the middle of GISH so it’s really no surprise.

30. I Will Go Down With This Ship

My own, for one! ❤ Fictionally speaking, I love Alana/Marko (Saga), Leia/Han and Fin/Poe (Star Wars), Remus/Tonks and Harry/Ginny (Harry Potter), Sara/Grissom (CSI), Sam/Rosie (LOTR) Jack/Sally (Nightmare Before Christmas), Jessica/Luke (Defenders), both Jean/Scott and Jean/Logan (X-Men)… pretty predictable canon pairings for the most part!

31. So How Was July?

HOT. Full of writing, musicals, movies and HARRY POTTER! We saw friends, had dates, enjoyed mom’s nights and game nights, and even won Disney trivia at the library! As much of a not-summer person I am, it was probably one of our best Julys. How about yours?

Things I Love Thursday

Some things I’m loving this week…

Getting well. I’ve been sick since last weekend and I’ve just got a lingering cough now.

Lona’s Lil Eats. YUM.

Wood Sprite’s art. It just blows my mind. She had another project go to state fair this year and she’s officially passed her mom with her skills.

Harry Potter trivia! We finished the books, the movies, started the play and did trivia night with our BFFs to celebrate Harry’s birthday! I was so excited about this all summer that I didn’t let feeling crummy keep me home and I’m so glad we went. Our costumes were fabulous, the themed treats were tasty and we had a blast.

Iliza Shlesinger. She’s cracking me up! I’m also loving Michelle Wolf’s The Break and Glow. You can tell I’ve been sick when I can cite shows I’ve seen recently.

GISH! It’s always an outrageous adventure.

What are you loving this week?