New Posts at Ganjarama

Here are my latest hemp pieces! I have been getting a lot of homeschooling visitors lately because of my Homeschooling FAQ blog and I wanted to issue a quick disclaimer. While I am STOKED that you found my FAQ and hope it helps you on your journey, and while I will still write about homeschooling here and there, the primary purpose of this blog is and has always been to simply chronicle my work for my own reference. You might encounter a few topics that you have zero interest in and that’s OK! I just wanted to put that out there.

PTSD and Marijuana
How Did Weed Get Its Name?
Medical Marijuana and the Doctor Knowledge Gap
Famous Literary Pot Smokers
Marijuana versus Heroin

The Tuesday Currents

Cleo loves to journal. I wish she'd get back on the job and take care of the crickets in the basement instead.
Cleo loves to journal. I wish she’d get back on the job and take care of the crickets in the basement instead.

Rocking to… My favorites are the watery stations (rain, waterfalls, etc.) but most of them are pretty awesome overall.

Laughing About… Making my worries disappear with Pixel Thoughts. Try it. Put the craziest things you want to see float away in the bubble!

Drinking… Coffee. Yep, I’ve got the big guns out. Managing my time is a real challenge these days and caffeine is just as necessary as my planner.

Reading… All-New X-Men (2013). I started reading the series as research for an article and of course became addicted. I know lots of people hate on “teen Jean” but I happen to ADORE her. I love this new break-the-rules version of Marvel Girl, even though I still adore her old selfless personality, too.

Writing… Product descriptions (watches, baby bedding, sandals, etc.), more articles about marijuana, lists for Screen Rant, journal entries, Boo to You, Mrs. Robinson (my October release), Street Fighting Man (November) and Visions of Sugarplum (December), my Bullet Journal.

Watching…  Spirited Away.

Planning… Some fancy footwork! Scheduling dental and eye appointments (why didn’t I take care of those in the summer?) around our co-op classes, field trips, 4-H, Scouts and library events is interesting, to say the least. I’m also planning some really fun service projects for both Scouts and 4-H.

Making… Cool BuJo layouts. I blocked out a couple of hours last week to JUST do that and had a blast. I’ve also made stickers with Wood Sprite. We also had a Cheetos war, but I don’t think that counts as “making.”

Wanting… More coffee! Who’s got some mocha? I’m off to brew some more.

Monday’s Music

Productivity is my middle name lately, so I’m sharing one of my go-to songs for working out, cleaning and getting things done. What’s your favorite song for gathering that kind of momentum?

Over the weekend, we hit the park, my daughter had a sleepover (complete with pumpkin picking and painting, sidewalk chalk painting, making chocolates in Halloween finger molds and chocolate pancakes!) and Indy and I worked a lot. What were you up to?

Things I Love Thursday

See, hear and speak no evil?
See, hear and speak no evil?

After promising myself I’d get some real sleep for once tonight, I’m up after two hours of sleep. Texts, animals knocking things over and my own generally worried, busy brain are all to blame. Today I am loving my body’s reminders about how none of this is okay and how I’m going to get sick if I let it continue. With that in mind, here are a few things I’m loving this week.

Giving up volunteer jobs! I volunteer with 4-H, Scouts and various homeschool groups. I moderate and/or own four different positions via Yahoo and Facebook and serve as the new member contact for another. I let go of four of these moderating gigs today to help free up some of my time–because it would be awesome to get some real sleep or read a book or something. 😉

Not having Netflix. We took a break and cut some costs and Wood Sprite’s been much more creative without turning to the TV every time she feels bored.

Spending time with my good friend, M. I’ve missed her and we had a wonderful two-hour catch-up session on Wednesday.

Staying hydrated. I’m trying to stick to mostly water lately and it’s helping with the headaches. I am almost positive they would go away if I slept regularly. Indy is also on nights again, which makes it hard to sleep anyway.

Clarity. Man, it doesn’t get any more valuable than that.

FALL! It’s coming. There are already haunted house ads on the radio.

What are you loving this week?


New Articles at Ganjarama

13942385_10154071598681284_819447423_nThis week’s batch of Ganjarama pieces were a lot of fun, but I think the most interesting one might be the history of bongs. If you look further into it from the introduction that I’ve written here I think you’ll find it fascinating, too. My favorite pieces to write are always the ones where I get to dig and learn about something interesting.

Medical Uses for Marijuana
Bongs: A History Lesson
Songs about Pot
Fascinating Facts about Marijuana
Pot’s Best Friend, Hemp, and Its Uses

The Tuesday Currents: The Vacation Recap

Indy had two butterflies on him in this picture, but one flew away just as I snapped it.
Indy had two butterflies on him in this picture, but one flew away just as I snapped it.

Rocking to… Nirvana

Laughing About… Making funny voices with Wood Sprite last night

Drinking… Tea

Reading… Nothing. It’s been too busy around here to read, which makes me cringe. If you’re too busy to read, you’re too busy to write, right? Indy was off last week but I wasn’t, so I crammed in a lot of things to do with him and Wood Sprite while I kept my regular schedule and am still exhausted. Freelancers don’t get vacation days unless they can really manage to work them in for themselves, but I’ve decided that I am definitely taking a day off each week from now on because I’m reverting to my old working-every-day mode and it’s really hurting me–just like it did last time, and the time before that…

Writing… Product descriptions (barbecue equipment, clothing, holiday decorations, etc.), more articles about marijuana, lists for Screen Rant, journal entries, Boo to You, Mrs. Robinson (my October release), Street Fighting Man (November) and Visions of Sugarplum (December), my Bullet Journal.

Watching…  Fried Green Tomatoes, The Day After Tomorrow, 9 and Kung Fu Panda 3  with Wood Sprite and Indy. We never made it to the drive-in to see Pete’s Dragon, but we do hope to see it soon.

Planning… Too much.

Making… Clean rooms, redecorated spaces, storage solutions… Indy’s tackled a few small items on my honey-do list, which is usually just things I can’t reach because I don’t like using the stepladder.

Wanting… A vacation redo. My god. A big chunk of our vacation was spent canceling our plans and doing things for people or taking care of obligations as they quickly came up (he even had to help fix a machine when he went to pick up his check! I think it’s time for direct deposit…) and we’ve decided that from now on, anytime he has three days or more off that time is OURS unless it’s an emergency. I’m also wanting a fridge that doesn’t leak, a new tire for Sophie, to KNOW when Indy has overtime before he has to work it (last night was his first shift back and he didn’t know he had to work 12 hours until he was supposed to get off an hour ago), my three dozen mosquito bites to go away… and more time with Indy. I’m a greedy wife. I always want that.

Vacation Notes Continue reading The Tuesday Currents: The Vacation Recap

Things I Love Thursday

hp3It’s one of those weeks where if it can go wrong, it will–and it’s supposed to be Indy’s vacation week. Between getting violently sick, bending our plans to accommodate over a dozen other people (we are supposed to be out of town!), checks being delayed and me working my usual hours, it certainly has not felt like a vacation. In fact, it feels more hectic than usual.

Still, there are plenty of things I am loving this week, including…

GHOSTBUSTERS! We finally saw it and all three of us loved it. The fight scene and the “scary” scenes were my favorites, but all three of us agreed that Holtzman was our favorite.

The Butterfly House. My parents bought us a membership a long time ago and we haven’t been yet. We did take Wood Sprite when she was very young, but she didn’t remember. She said she wishes she could live there and all three of us enjoyed butterflies landing on us.

Indy’s homemade fries. YUM. We are having a Harry Potter party right now and he made them as part of the “fish and chips” dinner last night.

Writing about new topics. It’s always interesting for me and I love to change it up now and then.

Indy being home. No matter what, that’s always nice. Well, it is until he starts to follow me around like a lost pup when I’m working!

What are you loving this week?
