All posts by sarajschmidt

I shake you warmly by the hand, and welcome you to my bio! Currently a writer, artist, and freelance explorer, I have played many other roles. I've managed a restaurant, debated across the country, taught children in Spain, run a handful of student organizations and retreats, served as the Editor/Producer/Citizen Journalist Manager for a, sung in choir for many years, volunteered with dozens of organizations and interned with a few, home-schooled a relative, cared for many a pet, and protested a thing or two. I am also married to my dreamy gearhead high school sweetheart, and together we are unschooling with our 10-year-old tenacious and hilarious daughter. Aside from my main passions of writing, art, reading, and generally being as ambitious as possible, I love to play with my daughter, learn new things, have date nights with The Husband, and highlight anything within my reach. Drop me a line at

Reparations Friday

Happy Friday! It’s Reparations Day. Who can you ask to give to these campaigns? Please give and share:

Emergency housing for a Black mom and kids

 General Fund for continual, sustainable reparations directly given to Black MaGes and accountable to Black organizers:

Reparations Friday

 It’s Reparations Friday!

Let’s end March with some community care! Please give and share the following campaigns for this weekend:

 Bookie’s daughter’s car was impounded by the police. She secured enough to get the car out, but needs $500 for tag, title, insurance, etc. This vehicle is a necessity for her, as she works and has four children to care for. Please send directly to Chanelle via CashApp at $ChanelleHelm

 A Black mom is escaping violence and needs emergency housing to get back on her feet. Send directly here:

 The RR General Fund always needs help so we can continue to meet our monthly commitments to the Black MaGes we assist regularly: