The Tuesday Currents

gish ghostCurrently…

Rocking to… 50s & 60s mixes

Drinking… sparkling lemon water

Reading… How to Raise an Adult

Writing… Q&A articles, chat tests, Boo to You, Mrs. Robinson

Watching… Witches of East End (meh so far), Nanny McPhee with the kiddo

Planning… interviews, promo schedules, class needs, field trips for spring

Wearing… black shorts, black tee

Tweeting… #periodsarenotaninsult

Making… journal pages, Wood Sprite’s journal, popcorn

Wanting… a hot tub…

Monday’s Music

This may seem like a weird song for me to pick, but I’ve got 60s style, candy and ice cream on the brain today. Maybe because it’s Not Back to School Week for us and we’re going on a tour of an ice cream parlor. Maybe it’s because I decked out my journal in pastels yesterday with some of my daughter’s friends (while she played Xbox and scoffed!). Who knows? This song is stuck in my head and now I am sticking it in yours, too. You’re welcome!

This week, in addition to the tour, we have an orthodontist appointment, playdates, a trip to a recycling center, a surprise party, gymnastics, lots of writing and probably lots of other things I’m forgetting!

GISHWHES 2015 Adventure

This year’s GISHWHES was as amazing as ever! I only wish we’d had more time to do more items. This year, Dorothy’s Wanderlust was combined with two other teams, Loves Angels of Thursday and Honey Badger, and we had a wonderful adventure with our new Australian friends!

As a recap, you can find last year’s list of craziness here. Below are just SOME of this year’s activities! Unfortunately I didn’t download them before the hunt ended and I don’t have access to all of them at the moment, but we can share and enjoy the images and videos below. (Click the links for videos!) We can’t wait to see what next year has in store!

IMAGE. Beautifully recreate one of these painting optical illusions or another one you find on the Internet using real bodies and/or props: points erika- the bakery image is amazing, working on this….!     recreation IMAGE. Kick back in a hammock that’s suspended from trees on opposite banks of a river. (Make sure it’s a safe section of a river to be suspended over.) 71 points        hammock

VIDEO. (Time lapse this down to 20 seconds.) You and a friend must build and launch two dueling paper airplanes using only your mouths to build and launch them. 50 points

VIDEO. Find someone you love and butter them up; literally, cover them in butter and then give them a big hug. – Carianne Steinman 56 points

VIDEO or IMAGE. Show us what Supernatural will look like at the start of Season and Caitlyn Cacador63 point    end super IMAGE. Create a beautiful tribute to the late Leonard Nimoy. – Annie K. 29 points        

IMAGE. Here’s your hint: T11fJ-bSWI0. (Don’t submit anything unless you solve the puzzle or you will be docked points.) 43 points  mtqTVgI

IMAGE. Tour a wastewater/sewage treatment factory dressed in formal attire with an accompanying violinist or flutist. 82 points     wastwater

IMAGE. Blow us away with your amazing cosplay as a famous inanimate object.58 points                                                                           cosplay

IMAGE. Show us your idea of love. Caption the image if you wish.41 points


IMAGE. How do you do it? Everyone on your team has such beautiful mustaches? Do you have some sort of hair growth cream you slather on or pills you all take? Let’s see a grid photo of everyone on your team that features your mustaches prominently. 89 points


IMAGE. Create a cocktail dress or tux out of flowers (you can use foliage, but at least 50% needs to be flowers). Photograph yourself in a contrasting “greenless” urban setting. – Olivia Desianti


IMAGE. They say, “A dog is a man’s best friend,” but they are sexist. Dogs can be women’s best friends too. To prove it, make one entirely out of feminine hygiene products. The dog must be at least 40 centimeters tall. (See how international we are? Look at these units!)

pad dog

IMAGE. The cats are coming! Prepare your dog for battle. Outfit him or her with armory, weaponry, cutting edge laser gear – whatever it takes to create a canine of mass destruction. 43 points                sheraIMAGE. Let’s see a portrait of Robert Downey, Jr. or Ironman made entirely of salt and pepper. Tweet it to him (@robertdowneyjr) with @gishwhes in the tweet. SUBMIT a link to the image to us, NOT a link to an image of the tweet – but you must tweet it to him for your image to count. 51 points



VIDEO. Stop hiding your true talent. The world deserves to see it. Without using special effects or trick editing, make a person disappear.

VIDEO. Your friend loves cake, so being a good friend, you offer to take them out for cake at a nice restaurant. Alas, you discover when you arrive at the restaurant, that your friend has recently undergone medical treatments that prevents them from moving their arms, so you will have to feed them. Unfortunately, light is harmful to your eyes so you must be blindfolded. While blindfolded, stand behind your seated friend in a fancy restaurant and put your arms under their armpits and feed them cake with your hands. Trust us. This is going to work out beautifully. 50 points

IMAGE. WILLIAM SHATNER ITEM – You may not know this but William Shatner is a big My Little Pony Brony (a male fan of the My Little Pony series.) He wants to share this interest with other actors. Create an image however you wish of one of your favorite actors as a My Little Pony and tweet it to them. Get the actor to retweet your image and hashtag #Shatnermademedoit @gishwhes. Submit a screencap of the actor tweet. 60 points

Felicia Day!                            felicia

IMAGE. Find out what  one of your parents (or an older relative) wanted to be when they were kids. Make it happen. – Khai 36 points


VIDEO. FELICIA DAY ITEM. (Time lapse this down to 14 seconds.) Construct an iconic building over 2 feet high out of sugar cubes (or marshmallows) and then film melting it with some kind of liquid. 55 points



IMAGE. Prove there’s a ghost in a Starbucks (or your local coffee shop if your country has outlawed Starbucks) working as a barista. 43 points                                            4UEc8RJ

IMAGE. Tweet a photo of two men or women kissing each other (clothed) to @Ricksantorum. We need to see the Tweet with #facerealityRick @gishwhes. 36 points    rick

IMAGE. Last year saw the epic battle for mascot supremacy. Document this action packed tale in a fitting comic book strip that includes this year’s mascot (Dinomite) as well. Be sure to include all of gishwhes’ heroes, heroines, and super villains! – Roxy Fox52 points    vXQY97L


IMAGE. Love is in the air. Let’s see you and your lover elegantly dressed and enjoying a romantic moment under a weeping willow in a rowboat. One of you must be serenading the other with a cheese-puff-adorned musical instrument. 46 points bagpipes

IMAGE. The Tooth Fairy is on strike. Invent another fairy that provides a service in your home for your children, or your dorm room/apartment for your roommates. Dress up as the fairy providing the service, and then caption the image with what you are. 31 points         fairy


IMAGE. Make a macrame holster for a pistol. 31 points


IMAGE. Tweet a picture of you holding up your most inspiring book or book title with the hashtag #booksnotbullets and @gishwhes. 9 points


IMAGE. Tweet to your school board or write a letter to your employer to hold a CPR class with this link: or facts from the link. Let’s see the tweet in the submitted image. 11 points              tweet

IMAGE. Commit a random act of kindness and have someone take a picture of what you’re doing and caption it. Here are some examples: Tweet it to @RandomActsOrg if you wish but submit to us the image only. 39 points

Cupcakes for Teachers
Cupcakes for Teachers


VIDEO. Show us your version of “Tai Chi Breakfast”


IMAGE. WILLIAM SHATNER ITEM – Carrie Fisher is known for her portrayal of Princess Leia in Star Wars. Her memorable hairstyle was often called the Princess Leia Bun. Bake a portrait of Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia in bread.51 points A5EDd2J

IMAGE. Make a portrait of a CW actor using only naturally shedded hair/fur of your pets. – Tiffany L. 45 points  hair

IMAGE. Sign up to your country’s organ donor register. – Ezza Manns 18 points                                             donor


193. IMAGE. Contribute the recipe for ‘Dinomite’s Fluffy Bites’ to and get at least 20, 5-star reviews from people who enjoyed the recipe. 46 points                       bites

IMAGE. Let’s see a fully dressed Mary (pregnant) and Joseph shopping for baby clothes or items, or in a pregnancy breathing class. – Kierra Maxwell27 points


IMAGE. Leave a review for gishwhes on Yelp or Google. 8 points       yelp

The Tuesday Currents

Salt-and-Pepper Iron Man for GISHWHES!
Salt-and-Pepper Iron Man for GISHWHES!


Rocking to… Everclear, “Santa Monica”

Drinking… H2O

Reading… The Fire Starter Sessions by Danielle LaPorte; Geektastic by Holly Black

Writing… Q&A articles, chat tests, Boo to You, Mrs. Robinson

Watching… Sherlock

Planning… sleepover logistics, play dates, field trips, book schedules, interviews

Wearing… shorts & a purple t-shirt

Tweeting… GISHWHES

Making… pretty planner decorations

Wanting… a big burst of energy, or a genie, or both

Monday’s Music

It’s 7:00 at night and I still don’t have my to-do list HALF finished. What is it with Mondays lately? Today’s song is a throwback to my teen years. I never get sick of this one, and I’ve taken to screaming it (especially, “I am still dreaming of your face!”) and Wood Sprite tends to echo me.

This week is incredibly full with playdates, sleepovers, my book and other activities. I’m hoping I’ll get it finished this week; wish me luck!

Things I Love Thursday

childrens museum arcnet
The Arknet. Another fun item from our trip to the Indianapolis Children’s Museum!

Today passed me by so quickly! Indy and I stayed up late snuggling and watching Sherlock. This morning we slept in and tried to go skating only to find the skating rink overrun with camp and day care kids. I love that they are going out to have fun, but couldn’t they reserve a spot that’s not open to the public since there are so many kids?

Here are some things I’m loving this week. What are you loving?

This beautiful weather and time with friends in said weather! On Monday we ventured out and I felt like a mole, hissing at everyone and squinting around me. Between the rain and Indy’s schedule, Wood Sprite and I haven’t been out much. Monday kind of broke us back in and we really enjoyed park time with friends Tuesday and Wednesday. The summer is almost over, but it was the first week that really felt like it to us.

The approaching fall season! I’m always excited when office supplies are on sale, the season starts to cool and our co-op classes and field trips start back up. Between said classes and field trips and local business opportunities (homeschool day at gymnastics, museums, etc.) you really have to be judicious with your time or you’ll be doing 2-4 activities per day, but it’s always exciting to get back into the activities. During the summer, we usually only have a weekly park day (and sometimes a few other activities).

Wood Sprite being back on a normal sleep schedule. It’s hard for us to keep one with Indy’s ever-changing hours, but between camp and park time, Wood Sprite has been too exhausted to stay up late. The downside is that she misses our time together when Indy gets home.

GISHWHES! We’ve made some really fun things this week and I look forward to sharing them. We didn’t go as nuts as we did last year (or spend nearly as much, thankfully!) but we still did a few fun things together.

Tuesday Currents

childrens museum allspark
The All-Spark!


Rocking to… AC/DC, “Thunderstruck”

Drinking… Diet Root Beer

Reading… Fables comics, Danielle LaPorte’s The Firestarter Sessions

Writing… Holiday articles, chat tests, Boo to You, Mrs. Robinson

Watching… Stardust

Planning… More field trips! A possible author signing! Fall schedules!

Wearing… PJs

Tweeting… GISHWHES nonsense!

Making… A Scream mask, a sculpture from sanitary napkins and salt and pepper art…

Wanting… Something gooey and delicious

Monday’s Music

I can’t stop thinking about the new Ghostbusters reboot. Have you seen the promo pic going around? The whole cast looks amazing and I just can’t wait to see it. So I’m going with that for today’s song!

This week we’ve got THREE park days with friends, a dentist appointment, skating, peach picking… Homeschool season is back in swing. Personally, I’ve got an evolution class I’m taking, prep for the cool creativity workshop I’m teaching coming up next month, my regular work and two books to finish. Well, one is due this month, anyway. We’ve also got the amazing GISHWHES this week and it’s been a lot of fun so far! I can’t wait to share it when it’s over.