The Tuesday Currents

The critters tend to gather around Wood Sprite whether she’s sick or not.


Nursing an on-again, off-again sick Wood Sprite. She’s thrown up twice today, feels better, then feels weak again. 😦  I sure hope she’s well enough for Halloween tomorrow. We canceled a bunch of fun Halloween plans today to stay home. But that means we were…

Watching a bunch of Halloween movies. In two days we saw The Watcher in the Woods, The Creature From the Black Lagoon, The Invisible Man, Zombieland, The Haunting, Hocus Pocus and The Addams Family. We also watched The Cat Returns.

Planning Sci-Fi-Vember! We’re watching and reading tons of sci-fi, and I drew little alien head icons next to each night’s plan. (We won’t be doing this on our busy nights, of course.)

Extending my intermittent fasting per some Jason Fung reading. Some cycles will be longer than 24 hours (which is what I’ve been doing most days) and I’m really excited to see if the mental clarity is what’s promised. Granted, I probably need to sleep more to make it really work…

Planning our annual 31 Holiday Nights (movies, crafts, light scavenger hunts, the works), LOTR marathon and HP marathons. We’ve decided to just stick to holiday movies this December and then do the other two in January this year. We always end with It’s a Wonderful Life on New Year’s Eve, which is weird since it’s a Christmas movie. I think the theme just really fits in with our hopes for each New Year.

Doodling with Wood Sprite. She asked me to draw with her and I said okay, just for a little while because I have a lot of writing to do. An hour later, she was passed out and I was still drawing.

Carving pumpkins to classic horror movie soundtracks

Planning the rest of the week. We have a live Star Wars show (with puppets, I believe!), co-op classes, the annual 4-H dinner, a 4-H service day (a park cleanup), a sleepover and a presentation on Mary Shelley… all if Wood Sprite is well.

Planning our family holiday trip, which will be mostly in lieu of gifts (Wood Sprite will still get a few things to open; all the kid’s asked for is books). This year it’s Kansas City.

What are you up to this week?

Love-Hate Song Relationships

I love this song SO much. The lyrics are also incredibly awful. I’d love to see a literal music video of “Take Me Home Tonight.”

That 80s Blog
Take Me Home Tonight

Good Drinking
Applebee’s Has $1 Drinks On Halloween

Northwest Specialties
Which Foods Do You Miss During Travel?

Grateful Dead Music
Grateful Dead Quizzes

Frog Source
Leapin’ Frogs

Things I Love Thursday

This week I’m loving…

getting well. Holy cow it’s been a doozy. Between tonsils the size of cantaloupes and feverish hallucinations so scary I couldn’t sleep anyway, I’m so glad that whatever this has been is on its way out the door.

ALL THE BROTH. And lemon tea. I’ve lived off of it for almost a week now.

Popsicles. They’re the only things that have soothed my throat even a little.

I am NOT loving Indy being gone for 12 days straight, especially while I’m so sick, but we will love paying off our house taxes with his overtime.

TV. I never binge watch TV and it’s been such a help in keeping my mind off the pain. I’ve watched everything from Patton Oswalt specials to The Good Place and I Love You America.

Wood Sprite turning 13. She’s absolutely the coolest person I’ve ever known and I’m so glad to be here with her. It’s like this illness came to keep me from wallowing in her aging (and not being her for her birthday, since she was camping with Scouts).

What are you loving this week?