The Tuesday Currents

Hey, it’s time for the Tuesday Currents! What are you up to? I’m currently…

taking my niece on little adventures before she goes to summer school for the first time. We went to the splash park, the Lego minifig store, a nature center, and out for ice cream this week.

doing yardwork

binge-watching Stranger Things with my family. Easily the best day in a long time, especially with our little breaks, snacks, and discussions in between episodes.

learning to make slides, co-facilitate classes, and use new-to-me platforms

blogging about reproductive freedom

prepping to work the polls again in August

pet grooming

attending the funeral of someone I loved very much

grant and red tape wrangling

planning my parents’ anniversary with my sisters

making herbal bags to place around the house to deter spiders

making social media graphics

doing absolutely nothing with Indy. It was only for a few hours but it reminded me of our early 20s when it was still rarer than I’d have liked, but not nearly as rare as it is today.

looking into hosting a blood drive

donating a bunch of books–and receiving a bunch of books from friends for Wood Sprite’s new classes

receiving a bunch of new teas to try from my sister

reading The Gift of Fear (it’s intense but filled with helpful info about intuition)

finishing the Sudoku book in the bathroom that Indy and I have had going on FOREVER. We write notes and draw pictures for each other in it, and lately we’ve made a point to engage in it rather than doom-scrolling in the bathroom.

watching Our Flag Means Death with my sister and kiddo

planning out the summer. From library activities, more adventures with the kids, sleepovers, health stuff, and events, it’s going to be a pretty packed one.

working with Skynet (my kid’s joke about one of my jobs)

planning ahead for my summer doldrums. Summer SAD is not as common, but I’m definitely not alone in experiencing worse feelings all summer. I’m trying to be proactive to help prevent some of the worst stuff before it happens. This won’t be possible all of the time, but I know that some of the things will make some days easier.

suffering Zuul. I swear, after 31 years, your period should just expire.

rescuing wayward chickens

checking out the local aquarium with our co-op

super excited over secret refills I’ve found throughout the house where I planned and bought things in bulk and don’t have to do a restock (tea, tissues…). This seems so insignificant but to me, it’s… chef’s kiss!

loving my office so much I kind of never want to leave