Reparations Friday

🖤🖤 It’s Reparations Friday! 🖤🖤

How can you plug in? Please give if you can! If not, feel free to share and help meet the following needs this week:

RR General Fund always needs help:

Ongoing financial assistance for Portia, who is out of work due to the L.A. writer’s strike. She urgently needs $1900 for rent.

⚕️ Harriett “Bookie” Rankin needs support during her cancer treatment. She’s a Louisville organizer who does so much for her community. This is more than halfway complete, but it’s been VERY slow going. Who can help speed things along?

⚖️ A Black teen was racially profiled at school and charged with a crime she did not commit, because she was the victim. This has barely moved. Who can help gather funds for this?

#SolidarityNotCharity @MutualAid #ReparationsNow

Reparations Friday

🖤🖤 It’s Reparations Friday! How can you give this week? 🖤🖤

If you can give, please see this week’s most pressing needs below and do so. If not, please share within your networks:

RR General Fund always needs help:

From Portia: “The work I just found fell through due to the WGA strike. I need help paying for the following: rent ($1900), groceries & toiletries ($50), insurance ($100), phone bill ($100), and a traffic ticket ($238). All of which must be paid by June 1st. Anything helps, thank you for reading.”

⚕️ Harriett “Bookie” Rankin needs support during her cancer treatment. She’s a Louisville organizer who does so much for her community. This is more than halfway complete, but it’s been VERY slow going. Who can help speed things along?

⚖️ A Black teen was racially profiled at school and charged with a crime she did not commit, because she was the victim. This has barely moved. Who can help gather funds for this?

The Tuesday Currents

I’m currently…

resisting. So much. It’s funny how sometimes the hardest work you do is the stuff that can’t be seen.

sleeping well. I could really get used to this.

(still having bizarre dreams)

workshopping writing with Wood Sprite

reading Deadpool comics, Demystifying Disability, and a bunch of other books

sending Indy’s resume everywhere

enjoying a rare date with Indy as we try to connect between our opposite schedules and his many interviews

loving our little family full moon bonfire

celebrating Zuul’s retreat

getting organized and caught up and feeling dizzy from it all

watching Coraline and Barry

eating peanuts

playing Cats & Soup in between interviews for the helpline

listening to a bunch of songs I don’t remember or forgot from the early 90s–some Sisters of Mercy, Siouxie and the Banshees, Simple Minds…

drinking a homemade iced mocha (and shooing the critters away from it)

What are you up to this week?

The Tuesday Currents

I’m currently…

trying to do the opposite of everything I’m doing. Seriously, changes must be made. And as much as I want to write more lately, walking more is more important–and I’m not so great at typing at my standing desk. Maybe voice notes?

craving gummy bears, as a result of my previous statement. So bad.

drinking All the Water

getting my butt kicked by Zuul, who was 10 days late and had me thinking I might get to just skip this time as a perk to offset the more difficult symptoms of perimenopause… ha! I wish we could automatically rest on the worst days of our menstrual cycle, especially those of us who get physically ill on those days each month.

reading “Bloodchild” and Fledgling

setting up interviews with Indy. He’s got 5 in the next 5 weekdays!

trying to plan sleep around this week’s many commitments

new homeschool goals

mourning how Indy and I won’t get to spend May the Fourth with each other and how I won’t be off on Mother’s Day for the first time in probably a decade. We’ll just have to do makeups.

craving more time with Indy in general. His hours right now leave very little time for us to hang out, let alone get things done, apply to new jobs for him, and take care of errands and chores… This past Sunday he had a three-hour meeting–five-hour if you include driving time!–eat up the bit of time we normally have, too. Our Errand Mondays used to seem a little boring and now I miss them so much.

worrying about aging beings I love. We put my mom’s old, sweet dog down last week and it’s on everyone’s mind.

working out with 90s YouTube mixes and feeling just… drained. Weak and drained and tired. I sure wish I could find a workout that lights up my brain like cherry gummies do.

watching John Mulaney: Baby J

listening to a lot of instrumental soundtracks

loving the chilly weather, open windows, and smell of the neighbor’s fireplace. We wanted to have a little fire outside but it was just way too windy.

getting excited about Guardians 3 and the drive-in. Anyone else super tense about the idea of losing Drax?

What are you currently up to?