Things I Love Thursday

I love the people at Starbucks, too.

Here are a few things I’m loving this week. What are you loving?

Getting better. I’m so tired of being sick.

Starbucks Toasted White Chocolate Mocha. Holy cow, this stuff is good. Unfortunately my free birthday coupon expired while I was sick. 😦 It hasn’t even been three weeks since my birthday!

A fabulous day at Starbucks while Wood Sprite was in class. I was worried about not getting an indoor seat because it was chilly enough to aggravate my cough outside (I often sit outside at this location), but not only did I get a seat but I got a tiny table right on a heater, complete with an outlet! And they played so many of my favorite songs, which is weird since they usually play a bunch I don’t know (ha!). From “Rhiannon” to “Lola,” “Crazy on You” to “Jackson,” I had the best soundtrack ever while I journaled, caught my planners up and even did some stickering. I even had an awesome pair of scissors I grabbed at the last minute! (Most of my scissors are so gummed up.) Then I had potstickers and a bubble tea at my favorite noodle place. It was the best. Or maybe it just felt like it because I was finally out of the house!

Hanging out with Wood Sprite. She’s at the age where sometimes she hates to be with her mom and is grump-tastic, but when she does hang out with me (which is still every day), she’s so much fun. She’s funny and creative and I just love to be with her.

Hot baths. They have been the best thing while I’ve been sick.

Dad giving us rides. He’s always fun to be with and I love spending time with him and we’re just grateful for the rides, too! He took us to this incredible Quick Trip–I’m talking the palace of Quick Trips, complete with a billion slushy flavors–and Wood Sprite and I were just awestruck. I wasn’t even thirsty and had to get a lemonade slush.

Watching the Potato (AKA the baby, AKA Sally) chase pipe cleaners down the hall.

A new month! New months are always exciting, but I’m especially eager to say goodbye to November. We never celebrated my birthday because I was too sick and now Indy has to work overtime this weekend, which is when we were going to do a “makeup,” but I’m just going to count my awesome day at Starbucks as my birthday. Indy did get me some awesome presents–tons of sticker paper, a diffuser, a new sweater and a Stephen King novel! Now hopefully I can kick the rest of this cough soon. December is one of my favorite months, too. I love the decorations, the music, the spirit, colors, Indy’s birthday… but ONLY after December 1! Anytime before that is too soon! My second favorite holiday, New Year’s, is also approaching.

Indy’s birthday presents. I cannot WAIT to give them to him. I always try to get the most unique, outside the box things for him and I think I really did it this time!

Paying off debt. We are SO close to getting so many things paid off and just paid off three bothersome bills. Our credit is the best it’s ever been, which makes me feel more grown-up than anything else. Yep, even more than parenthood. Maybe.

How Sky loves cheese crackers! It’s hilarious how she tried to steal Goldfish from Wood Sprite.

The Tuesday Currents

Look how short Indy’s hair was just a few months ago! I think I need to plan another haircut for him, too…

I’m currently…

ReadingCoraline and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix with Wood Sprite and Indy, both on audiobook from the library.

Listening to… some upbeat mixes to walk with. I’ve been doing a couple of miles a day this week with Leslie Sansone and it feels good to be back in the groove. I love her, but I need my own music! One mix has “Uma Thurman,” “S.O.B.,” “Turn Down for What,” “Better Now,” etc.

Drinking… Sparkling Tangerine Water

WatchingStardust. It’s on while I write and Indy sleeps.

Writing… the usual

Planning… a birthday makeup (Thai tea please!), rehearsals with Wood Sprite (she is working on several scenes in three different pieces of media for her winter showcase), a foliage drive, a spring open house, mom’s nights, game night, 4-H activities, makeup dinner plans, end of the year reviews and generally spinning plates to get back into the groove after almost a month of sickness.

Wanting… for everyone to be healthy and happy for the rest of this year into 2018!

What are you up to this week?

The Tuesday Currents

Who wants to come make me some homemade vegetable soup? Please?

A virus (maybe a couple of viruses!) has had me down and out for two weeks. Losing 30 pounds is great but not so much in this way. Now Wood Sprite is sick with a high fever and some injuries from a play date that are bothering her five days later. November tends to be our month of sick! Nearly every member of my family has been sick and my baby sister had surgery yesterday so suffice to say I’m a day late and a dollar short in a lot of areas right now.

I’m currently…

ReadingCoraline and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix with Wood Sprite and Indy, both on audiobook from the library because my throat’s been useless.

Listening to… Springsteen, “Born to Run.” It’s one of our songs but I was checking Indy out in some amazing jeans before he left for work yesterday and ended up having a fantasy about him while I was in the shower. 😉 He was on stage lip-singing to this song with a white t-shirt on and a bandanna in his back pocket… Mmm! He’s been such a rock while we’ve been sick (he almost never gets sick!) but we missed our date for my birthday (among a dozen other plans!) and I really miss him.

Drinking… Water

WatchingParks and Recreation. It’s my go-to sick TV show.

Writing… the usual

Planning… Thanksgiving games and activities, a foliage drive, a spring open house, interstate exchange, 4-H  activities,  logistics for rehearsals and theater shows, and just resting a lot so we can get better.

Wanting… I got the slippers I wanted for my birthday but no Thai tea yet! Still wanting that–and for everybody to be healthy.

What are you up to this week?