The Tuesday Currents

I’m currently…

having a lot of complex feelings about the Missouri Legislature and Attorney General, an UNELECTED man who delights in ruining lives

cleaning to this rad song

finding hope in good doctors

taking meds for an infection that won’t let me hang out in the sun… during some days when I made rare plans to hang out in the sun

canceling two vacation days and plans due to this infection/medicine

attending classes on reproductive justice and trans-affirming practices

playing with Rainbow Brite Halloween stickers

feeling like Mercury in Gatorade is already here. Since Sunday, every plan has gone awry, with plenty of irritation and frustration in play. Nap season, anyone?

working really hard to stay healthy, including working with my body and against my brain

wearing All Hallows Eve

really resenting the various schedules in our house and trying to make them work with all of our needs

catching up on paperwork

What are you up to this week?

Things I Love Thursday

Some things I’m loving right now are…

Molly doing well on her medicine! She had to go to the vet and it scared the noodles out of me, but her meds are helping and she’s doing great. Her meds were going down great, too, until she spit them out last night and her sister ate them. Cheese is out; peanut butter is in.

Easter chicks with bows holding knives and baskets shaped like skulls and Baphomet

awesome activities and opportunities for teens

good sleeps. Sunday’s was so good it might as well have been a vacation, and I’ve had three sleeps since that were so good I didn’t want to get up but had to for meetings/classes.

compassion from family, friends, and coworkers

getting the inbox to near zero. It’s rare and when it happens… lumberjack’s kiss.

Gen Alpha protesting and standing up for their lives and rights! Way to go, kids. I wish you didn’t have to. We’ll keep fighting for you, but we’re also just in awe of you.

my awesome son. Today he sent me this and said, “I think I found your gender.” I’m a haunted Victorian circus, y’all. Add this to Panda King and… I’m diggin’ it.

smelling like marigolds, cockscomb, dusty cocoa, canela, sugar cubes, flickering candles, and honey cakes

things to look forward to with my family. With our schedules the way they are, it’s absolutely essential that we have some days, some times, to just hang out with each other.

the Knives Out soundtrack

knowing that Guardians 3 is coming and hoping to see it at the drive-in

What are you loving today?

The Tuesday Currents

I’m currently…

watching Heartstoppers in one window while getting things done in another because apparently, my attention needed one more thing to divvy it up. And it’s also just adorable. Heartstoppers, not my brain.

reading Psalm for the Wild Built, the second book I’ve hugged this year. The utopian nature made it hard for me to get into it at first but I’m so glad I finally read it. What a beautiful story.

catching up on piles of emails. Wood Sprite and I were discussing how much tech spam and clutter we have and how we wish we could just have it all cleaned up with the snap of a finger.

getting rid of a bunch of wood after a tree hit our house during an awful storm. The day itself was awful, and I had too much anxiety to sleep before work. The critters and I huddled in the hallway while we listened to the storm, then went outside after only to open the door and find a tree greeting us at the door. It’s a good thing it was a tree that I was hoping to cut down sometime anyway.

trying to find a time for Indy to work on Sophie and get her running again. He thought he’d fixed it last weekend but it wasn’t what he’d thought.

celebrating Molly’s mostly healthy bill of health from the vet. We were so scared when she couldn’t move her legs, but with the meds she came home with it looks like she’s going to be okay. The girls just turned 9 and chocolate labs–their dad’s species–average 10 years so that’s often on my mind lately. I hate how fast the last 10 years passed. It seems as if it passed three times as fast as the first 10 of Wood Sprite’s life.

getting my voting plan settled. Got yours?

wearing Book of the Beast, which is my current favorite scent

wishing I could sleep like I did Sunday. I went to bed at 9am after work and slept 9 blissfully dead-to-the-world hours. The house was empty and quiet, which seems to magically help. Indy and I had just joked that I’m never able to sleep for more than 4 hours unless I’ve had surgery and pain medicine. The universe then asked me to hold its beer. It’s like a superpower when it happens, but it’s also such a tease since it’s just so rare. I went to a class about insomnia last week and learned that about half the population suffers from it sometime in life.

drinking iced tea and wishing I could make it as good as my mom does

enjoying the open windows and fan until it gets into the 80s today. I’m so dreading them.

What are you up to today?