Favorite Freaky Movie Moments

What did you miss the first time around?

Freaky Phenomena
Weird Moments We Missed In Horror Movies

Frog Source
Adidas To Release Kermit Shoes

Female Talk
Best Women-Led Casts

Good Drinking
New Teas in 2021

Animal Report
Mummified Ice Age Animals Found

Medicine Report
Anti-Vax Group Trolled by Woman Who Received Pfizer vaccine

The Tuesday Currents

It’s the last Tuesday of 2020! What are you up to?

I’m currently…

switching over everything from one planner to the new one

delivering more porch goodies

enjoying all the wonderful surprises Christmas had in store for us, including surprise (distanced) visits with friends, one of whom drove hours in for the holidays

stopping the constant stream of sugar in the house! We’ve been gifted goodies from everyone and it’s been lovely, but now it’s time to share the bounty and stop eating the stuff that makes me feel so sick!

watching our poor tree slowly collapse! I’ve cut a lot of branches off to use in arrangements and I’m going to cut more this weekend.

feeling super sleepy after not sleeping well last night (another side effect of eating too many goodies!)

dressing super cozily and loving it. SO MUCH. One of my favorite things about this time of year is enjoying the hygge time at home, complete with comforting socks, thick pants and a candle or two.

sending kissy-face GIFs back and forth with Indy. I’ve missed him SO much after his vacation. I know other couples say they get sick of each other, but what can I say? He’s my best friend. I could spend the rest of my life falling asleep on him while we watch movies or read books together and I’d be perfectly content.

drinking SO much tea and coffee while I try to focus and avoid sugar. In fact, someone drank all my catnip tea. It’s completely empty. What the heck?

organizing photos and making photo books of the year, which I try to do each year

writing writing writing, of course

finishing up book club reads for 2020 and liking… well, one of them. I may not do as many book club reads next year because we read what everyone votes for and I just don’t seem to enjoy the same kinds of books as the rest of our many members. Then again, many of the books I didn’t enjoy were on my own TBR, and it was really just difficult to read oftentimes this year anyway. I liked In a Holidaze.

watching movies with Indy. We saw The Christmas Chronicles, Santa Baby, The Willoughbys and Last Christmas (my favorite of the four!) over his vacation, and we had a Die Hard marathon over Christmas weekend. Wood Sprite isn’t into movie-watching as much as we are, although that may change once we can go to theaters again.

writing 20201 every time I try to write 2021. I saw someone post about how it sounds like “2020 won” when we say it and wow, not a fan of that!

selecting my words for the year. “Ambition” makes the top of the list. I’ve really cut back this year, which has been lovely, and honestly necessary, as many of you surely understand after a year like this one. But I really thrive better with a little more on my plate. The key is to not take on TOO much. I’m hoping to get more books, more exercise, more volunteering and more house projects under my belt in 2021.

smelling delicious in Hobgoblin, one of my all-time favorite oils

Two more days, folks!

The Tuesday Currents

I’m currently…

getting super stoked about Wonder Woman 1984

loving Community, our new show. Anything that makes me laugh that hard is very much welcome this year.

searching for my copy of My True Love Gave to Me so we can read the stories aloud during the holidays. I just can’t seem to find it!

enjoying the conjunction and Solstice. I stayed up until sunrise with candles all night while working and it was cozy.

leaving my women’s sci-fi group on Facebook because the mods are transphobic. I’ve been a member for over a year and loved it there but this is just terrible behavior, and when I called them out my post was deleted. Another member nicely sent me a copy of it because she predicted it would happen, as it’s happened to her. She is willing to stay behind to continue calling them out on their prejudices but the boundaries I’ve been erecting this year are made of granite and I’m just not willing, especially since all they’ll do is delete.

arguing with Zuul about everything from rest to pain management to eating well, per usual during her monthly visit

literally trimming Gertrude (our tree). Her bottom branches are getting super droopy, especially after cat attacks, so I had to give her a cut.

planning our holiday meals and when to drop off my parents’ on their porch. Besides that, we’re staying home.

trying to decide whether to bake or not this year. I don’t really feel like it but I know my family would love some cookies…

wading through brain fog while I try to meet deadlines before the holidays. Anytime I try to get things done early my body physically resists to the point where it feels like I’ve been drugged and need to sleep. Zuul has much to do with this, but maybe this is also to blame.

What are you up to this holiday week?