The Tuesday Currents

Fuego in his Batman bling.


Rocking out to… Kaleo’s “Way Down We Go.” I can picture this song on so many soundtracks.

Drinking… Tea

Writing… short blogs, long articles, bylaw amendments, site tests, meeting notes, emails, 2018 goals, field trip reminders, a million answers to a million questions.

ReadingCamping Made Easy, Here We Are

WatchingDoctor Who (season 5), Rose Red, The Chipmunk Adventure

Planning… Most of the same things I was planning last week: fall co-op offerings, camping trips, state park visits, travel logistics for camps, and field trips. Also: some Missouri Department of Conservation programs, one to four-day camps for Wood Sprite, and next year’s bullet journal, which I finished up until March 2018 while I couldn’t sleep at a conference over the weekend.

We are also planning poor Fuego’s departure from this world. He’s 16, very sick and brittle, and it’s breaking our hearts. I’ve never had to do this (my parents always handled this sort of thing growing up, of course) and it’s so much harder than I ever realized. Right now we’re in the stage of calling around to see which vet has the best option for him and our family.

Making… bread, laundry soap, homemade body powder and dry shampoo, hygge.

Wanting… something to drink with blackberries in it. I smelled it in someone else’s drink this evening and I’m still thinking about it hours later! Also? For the ants to leave us alone this spring and summer!

Monday’s Music

Last weekend was pretty full between work and chaperoning a teen 4-H conference. On the way to the conference, one of my BFFs, S, played this song. She’s into Twilight and I like to poke fun at her over it, but when she played me this song from the soundtrack I thought it was pretty. I’ll be damned if they didn’t play the song that night at the kids’ dance, too.

Still can’t stand Twilight, though. Sorry, S! 😉

The Tuesday Currents

It is impossible to get anything done with the hygge bunch purring everywhere and casting sleeping spells.


Rocking out to… The Moana soundtrack

Drinking... Tea

Writing… short blogs, long articles, site tests, emails, field trip reminders, a million answers to a million questions.

Reading… Daring Greatly, The Cozy Life

Watching… Moana, This Is Us

Planning… Fall co-op offerings, camping trips, state park visits, travel logistics for camps, 4-H teen conference and field trips.

Making… a clean home, overnight oats, Kladdkaka

Wanting… someone to wash my dogs. It’s my most hated chore because they do NOT like getting wet.